Where is Your Line?
‘Employees who fail to report their vaccination status are ineligible to work’. California teacher Andy Lisbon explains how his district is ending medical privacy to prepare for vaccine mandates.
‘Employees who fail to report their vaccination status are ineligible to work’. California teacher Andy Lisbon explains how his district is ending medical privacy to prepare for vaccine mandates.
Around 40 people attended Left Lockdown Sceptic’s inaugural in-person meeting in North London, travelling from distances as near as the local borough to as far as Leeds and the North West.
All are welcome. Join for speakers, Q&A and a chance to network.
We’re holding a Left Lockdown Sceptics public meeting in London on 18 September. Email wqlm@yahoo.com to register.
Roberto Strongman from the Department of Black Studies at the University of California retells the story of Escrava Anastácia to explore the links between masks, muzzles, slavery and resistance.