An overwhelming response! And yes, we are socialists

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Nearly a week has passed since our inaugural post and it seems to have made quite a stir. We would like to say a big THANK YOU to those who have sent us messages of support through the website – we have received over 80 so far! Unfortunately due to internet connection issues the webmaster has not been able to access them, let alone respond, until recently. Apologies to those who have sent questions and requests – we will respond as soon as we reasonably can.

We have received messages of support from workers young and old, socialists, trade unionists, academics, feminists, parents and anti-lockdown activists. The common theme is one of relief and joy that finally a section of the Left are taking a clear anti-lockdown stance. The feeling was reciprocal when we saw the comments and messages come flooding in. By taking the steps to create this website, we feel we have “nudged” history on a little. With permission, we will seek to publish some of the messages over the coming days.

Which brings us on to the question of who “we” are. Not knowing what the response would be like, we were originally hesitant about revealing the authors. However, now it is clear there is interest, it is more important for people to know a bit more about us.

Most, but not exclusively all, of the group members are associated with a now-defunct website and publication entitled Marxist World. This was set up in 2014 by a group of disgruntled Marxists who had become sick of the bureaucratic, Stalinist methods of the far-left Trotskyist and Leninist groups that littered the pre-Corbyn 2010’s. We believe that any healthy workers’ party should actively facilitate debate around theory and practice, and that these debates should not occur behind closed doors but instead should be open to the public in order to demonstrate democracy in action and win support on an open, honest basis. Opposing points of views should be encouraged and facilitated through public meetings and publications. It is only through the dialectic of discussion and the constant evaluation of ideas put into practice we can better reach the truth. Unlike the post-modernist faux-left that masquerade as socialists, we believe truth is ultimately objective and knowable. In that sense we support the notion of free speech and oppose censorship.

Other general positions taken by the editorial board of Marxist World include support for leaving the neoliberal European Union, support for the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership whilst offering a critique of the social-democratic policies proposed, and support for grass roots activists in the trade unions against incumbent bureaucratic leaders including those so-called “lefts”.

The Left Lockdown Sceptics are…

Bruce Wallace; Lifelong socialist involved in the Labour Party Young Socialists in the 1970’s. Subsequently a founding member of the Scottish Socialist Party. Former supporter of Marxist World. Currently a Children’s Safeguarder and live in Angus, Scotland with wife Anne. 

David Fletcher, from Buckinghamshire, member of UNITE the union, former supporter of Marxist World, former Labour Party member (Corbyn era), father of three and webmaster of this site.

John Ball, previously involved in the anarchist and anti-fascist movements in the past, supported Corbyn’s Labour Party, probably some kind of libertarian socialist at heart. Two kids.

Paul Nash, from Northamptonshire, committed socialist and member of UNITE the union, former Socialist Party and former Labour Party member (Corbyn era), but currently without a political party to call home. Former supporter of Marxist World. Recently left working for a local council due to the utter chaos within it caused by over 10 years of Tory funding cuts. Now working for a private IT company. 

Ray Rising, from East End of London, 73 year old life-long Marxist (Leninist-Trotskyist). Retired former builder and photo-journalist who’s a convinced revolutionary. May not agree with all the subsequent postings on this site but believes the opening statement is principled and correct.

Teagan Hill, from Eastleigh, member of UNITE the union, former Labour Party member (Corbyn era) and now member of the Workers Party of Great Britain.

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