PayPal’s War on Free Speech
Rusere Shoniwa analyses PayPal’s cancellation of service for Left Lockdown Sceptics and many others. He critiques Toby Young’s defence of his site, The Daily Sceptic (which has since been reinstated).
Rusere Shoniwa analyses PayPal’s cancellation of service for Left Lockdown Sceptics and many others. He critiques Toby Young’s defence of his site, The Daily Sceptic (which has since been reinstated).
In this article Rusere argues that a long-drawn-out Ukraine conflict is baked into the NATO military plan and that the attendant widespread consumer suffering is not a consequence of miscalculation. Rather, the energy crisis and its severe impact on ordinary consumers’ lives are, in the estimation of NATO’s chief, worth the goals of the war. A comparison of proposed solutions offered by two sources at opposite ends of the political spectrum are surprisingly similar in their unstated outcomes. Who are the winners and losers in this whole sordid affair?
Rusere Shoniwa argues that it isn’t cognitive dissonance preventing our leaders from acknowledging the calamity of lockdown. Only justice will hold these criminals accountable.
A BBC hit-piece insists 8% are unvaccinated when its own survey suggests the figure is 26%. Perhaps making the troublesome group seem smaller makes it easier to dispense with.
In part 2 of this two-part essay, Rusere Shoniwa looks at the implications for central bank monetary policy on the debt bubble and how the inevitable economic implosion might be used as a pretext for accelerating the totalitarian agenda to its endgame.
In this two-part essay Rusere Shoniwa speculates on how a worst case scenario might unfold in the ‘New Normal’ lurch towards global totalitarianism. Part 1 sets the scene by examining: the implications of the Tory government leadership change; covid containment as a tool of oppression, and; evolving virus mania.
Exploring the workings of the pandemic industry and juxtaposing the 2009 Swine flu pandemic with the current carnage of covid vaccination, Rusere Shoniwa offers some explanations for why a covid ‘vaccine’ pandemic should, but won’t be declared.
Rusere Shoniwa takes a probing look into SADS – Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, and the establishment’s relationship with it.
The vaccine injured must be compensated. But who should pay?
Rusere Shoniwa draws on a famous Father Ted episode to ask why we remain stunned in the face of global capital’s phantasmagorical car pile-up.