Break-out sessions confirmed for Take Back Our Lives

LLS meeting in London
Read Time:1 Minutes

The break-outs will be group discussions with a facilitator who gives a short introduction.

Break-out workshop 1: Waking up the Left

David Duboff (Branch Chair for Southampton Shipping, RMT, in a private capacity), will lead a session on “Waking up the Left to the government’s misappropriation of health and safety to bring about the economic reset of the fourth Industrial Revolution and the societal transformation of human interactions

  • Why it is important to recognize the difference between “the right to be protected” and the Orwellian agenda driven “right not to be infected”
  • Why we need to – and how to – bring about a debate within organizations such as trade unions on the huge ethical ramifications of the proposed post Covid “New Normal” being promoted by private interests
  • … even if some amongst those union leaderships would rather not have that discussion.

Break-out workshop 2: Making sense of the propaganda divide

Dr Ewa Sidorenko will lead a session on “Making sense of the Covid propaganda divide” to try to find answers to these questions together:

  • Why we are finding it so hard to communicate across the Covid divide and why persuading people seems near impossible?
  • Is Desmet’s account of mass hypnosis or ‘mass formation’ right?
  • How do we use learning theory and sociology to work out a different way of communicating?

Full running order

10-10:30 – Registration and start

  • Panel 1: ‘The selling of health and immunity’, featuring Jenny Goodman, Matteo Pizzo and Naomi Bridges
  • Panel 2: ‘The attack on and vindication of the Great Barrington three’, featuring Sunetra Gupta

13:30 – Lunch

  • Panel 3: ‘In it to win it: How effective campaigns flip the narrative’, with the Together Declaration, NHS 100k and (tbc) Big Brother Watch
  • Break-out groups with different workshops: David Duboff on ‘Waking up the Left to the misappropriation of health and safety’ and Ewa Sidorenko on ‘Making sense of the Covid propaganda divide’
  • Whole meeting round-up on actions and thoughts from Left Lockdown Sceptics organisers on on ‘Building left resistance to corporatism, technocracy and tyranny’

17:30 – Close

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