Fighting lockdown in California: A US teacher speaks part 2
Book Review: The COVID Consensus- The New Politics of Global Inequality by Toby Green
Mass civil disobedience needed to fight 1% NHS pay rise
Although it his now rumoured that nurses will get 2%, the pay offer proves once and for all that the government isn’t locking us down to protect the NHS – it is using support for the NHS to justify an assault on workers’ rights. In reply, NHS workers should join the public in mass civil disobedience.
Messages of solidarity to all the anti-lockdown left
An overwhelming response! And yes, we are socialists
Nearly a week has passed since our inaugural post and it seems to have made quite a stir. We would like to say a big THANK YOU to those who have sent us messages of support through the website – we have received over 80 so far!
Our analysis of lockdown and covid-fascism
We are a group of socialists in the UK who oppose lockdown policy on the basis that it doesn’t work, is based on bad science and causes unnecessary harm and deaths to society.