The Experiential Value of Adversity: What can be Drawn from the Lockdown Era
In this piece Bert Olivier explores the value of suffering: both for the individual, and as a catalyst for progress towards real democracy, drawing his inspiration from the Bildungsroman or ‘coming of age’ genre of novel.
In Praise of Dangerous Freedom
The Left/Right paradigm’s replacement by the Freedom/Authoritarian paradigm is explored in this article by Margaret Anna Alice.
A Peek Behind Banbury’s ‘Tree Celebration’ Sign
Peeking behind the eco-facade of Earthwatch’s Tiny Forest initiative, Zoe Carter discovers some disturbing links to Natural Capital investments.
Growth and Censorship don’t Mix.
Mark Shaw highlights the importance of free debate, non-censorship and the mechanisms underlying our current financial crisis.
Pandemic Aftermath: Understanding the Reveal Stage of the Pandemic Play – Are We Winning?
Rusere Shoniwa analyses the significance of a 2017 pandemic wargame scenario plan for a vaccine reckoning. He uses the wargame scenario’s predicted success in subduing public outrage over vaccine failure/injury as the basis for assessing the likelihood of possible outcomes in the current covid vaccine debacle.
Rusere Shoniwa Interviews the General Secretary of Workers of England Union About No Jab / No Job Mandates and Other Thorny Issues
Rusere Shoniwa interviews Stephen Morris of the pro Covid vaccine choice Workers of England Union, to find out more on their policies and political affiliations.
What the mainstream media are not telling us…
Bert Olivier highlights the importance of consulting alternative media sources in coming to an understanding of current events.
Why won’t Malaysians fly their national flag for independence day?
In this dispatch from Malaysia, the freelance journalist Jay Ihsan asks why is it businesses and homes will not fly the national flag for independence day. Perhaps, Jay suggests, the population’s indifference to nationalism has something to with the prime minister’s racism and his disastrous Covid lockdown.
The balance of forces at the fag-end of the Covid era: update from Australia
With Covid tyranny currently winding down in Australia Phil Shannon reflects on the long shadow of ‘Covid culture’ & the way forward for pro freedom citizens.