Book your place asap here or reserve a cash ticket by emailing: realleftevents@yahoo.com with CASH TICKET in subject line.
We are thrilled to announce that Cory Morningstar is now confirmed to speak, as the 3rd panelist on ‘the ecological case against the WEF’ at our ‘The Left case against the WEF’ conference on Saturday 25 March. She will be joining us via video link from her home in Canada.
Cory Morningstar is an independent investigative journalist; a writer and an environmental activist focusing on global ecological collapse and political analysis of the environmental non profit industrial complex. She has been exposing corruption and capture in the environmental NGO complex since 2008 and has written more recently on the politics of lockdowns and mandates, including amplifying the voices of black and indigenous activists involved in the Canadian Truckers Freedom Convoy. Her articles can be found on ‘The Wrong Kind of Green’ and her personal blog ‘The Art of Annihilation’ amongst other platforms.
Discussion group added on organising in Unions against WEF agendas
In addition a fourth discussion group has been added to the agenda: “The dangers the 4th industrial revolution poses to Organized Labour and working together to combat them.” For the full list of speakers and agenda for the day, click here.
Conference already attracting critical acclaim!
The conference is already receiving critical acclaim from media and political organization online!
The CBB (Corporate Bullshitting B*****ds)
‘One of the most dangerous and degenerate gatherings of rejects from respectable society in the capital in recent years; riddled with maskless far left bigoted antivaxxers and people wearing hoodies who have Northern, and other-even worse-working class accents. The sooner hate crime laws can be brought in to prevent these kind of paroxysms of Thought Anarchism, the better.’
The Guardian (of public-private partnerships)
‘If you like your misinformation brash, bold and with an international flavor, you could do no better than this sorry affair. We fear the stench of Eau de Q Anon will overpower the aroma of the (admittedly delicious) homemade pineapple rice salad at the lunch buffet. The day as a whole, no doubt, will leave an unfortunate aftertaste of unfounded paranoia and unbecoming distrust of ones highers and betters in the WEF.’
Anti-facts: ‘Yet more evidence of the shadowy and sinister links between people who believe in God and people who believe the government shouldn’t play God. The exclusionary atmosphere at this event towards those who can’t think (critically) is ableist, and the failure of the organisers to provide pronoun badges reeks of transphobia.’
As you see, attendance is a must! Over 60 places already gone. Don’t miss out, book your ticket ASAP from Eventbrite or by emailing realleftevents@yahoo.com with CASH TICKET in subject box to reserve your place!
Fantastic to see the brilliant Cory Morningstar joining the line-up.