LLS contributors highlight weekly lockdown stories that have been poorly covered in the mainstream news.
- 1. Report from Jo Nash
Thanks to the LLS supporter who referred us to an article on Ivermectin by Michael Capuzzo. It’s a long read describing the investigation of drug treatments for COVID during the initial outbreak. For those reluctant to read the entire piece, I’ll offer you a taster here:
‘An earlier Australian study, reported in the journal Antiviral Research, showed that Ivermectin, which blocked other RNA viruses like Dengue virus, yellow fever virus, Zika virus, West Nile virus, influenza, the Avian flu, and HIV1/AIDS in vitro, decimated the coronavirus in vitro, wiping out “essentially all viral material by 48 hours.” But more research was needed in human beings.
But by October Marik’s concerns were answered. The studies were well-designed university trials that showed amazing anti-COVID-19 activity at the normal doses used to treat parasites. Though small and endlessly diverse by large, Western big pharma “one-size-fits all” random control trials, the Ivermectin studies were a mosaic of hundreds of scientists and many thousands of patients in trials all over the world, all showing the same remarkable efficacy against all phases of COVID-19 no matter what dose or age or severity of the patient. “Penicillin never was randomized,” Marik says. “It just obviously worked. Ivermectin obviously works.”
Marik was astonished. “If you were to say, tell me the characteristics of a perfect drug to treat COVID-19, what would you ask for?” he said. “I think you would ask firstly for something that’s safe, that’s cheap, that’s readily available, and has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. People would say, “That’s ridiculous. There could not possibly be a drug that has all of those characteristics. That’s just unreasonable. But we do have such a drug. The drug is called Ivermectin.
If it was universally distributed at a dose that costs ten American cents in India and about the cost of a Big Mac in the United States, he said, Ivermectin would save countless lives, crush variants, eliminate the need for endless big pharma booster shots, and end the pandemic all over the world.’ Worth reading in full…
Meanwhile, Bill Gates is now trending in India on Twitter #ArrestBillGates as his reputation sinks further into a quagmire of sordid details about his impending divorce.
Read more on his very public decline in an article by Theodore Schleifer here.
In the UK there was another massive protest against the ‘New Normal’ of coerced experimental gene therapies and ‘vaccine passports’ with no coverage by the mainstream media.
You can see some evidence of the size of the protest here. The march split in two towards the end with some going to Hyde Park and others to Westfield shopping centre. It remains unclear why this happened, but some participants claim the organisations leading the march have been infiltrated by government agents hoping to divide and dishearten protestors. Let’s see what happens at the next one in June. LLS will be there!
2. Report from Andy Libson
A teacher took a stand in Philadelphia. Neal Fullman, an English teacher, refused to do “ZOOM in a Room” when called on to perform monitoring duties while public schools continue their ‘in-person education lie.
How is the Pandemic shaping K-12? Some statistics have been published by Ed Week which is a case study in how to use ‘polls’ like an occupying army. The ‘facts on the ground’ make the tech takeover of education seem as popular as it is inexorable. These types of articles, which unionized teachers receive every few days, are essentially love letters to Silicon Valley and the US political establishment masquerading as information for teachers. See more here.
The image below was sent to me from a teacher in UTLA: United Teachers of Los Angeles.
Finally, the San Francisco Dept. of Health has made it legal to vaccinate a child (12- 18) without receiving actual consent from a parent or guardian. Schools and families are being offered financial incentives to get vaccinated. What could possibly go wrong?
Find much more from Andy Libson at his podcast “What’s Left?“
3. Report from David Fletcher
The parent-led child welfare organisation UsForThem last week launched a new campaign “NotForThem”, calling for the Covid gene therapy “vaccination” campaign to be halted for children. Children are at essentially zero risk from dying of covid, whilst these experimental injections carry a risk of severe side effects including death. Here’s a taster from their campaign page below:
‘Thankfully, the evidence shows that children and young people are minimally affected by Covid-19. Vaccinating children, then, is of limited direct benefit to them but for the primary purpose of protecting adults. However, medical treatment cannot be justified if it poses a risk to the individual which is greater than the harm it protects against and this approach would mark a significant departure from established principles of medical ethics. Kate Bingham of the Government Vaccine Task Force said last October, “we just need to vaccinate everyone at risk….there’s going to be no vaccination of people under 18.”[2]
Furthermore, many of the Covid-19 vaccines involve new technology that represents a radical departure from previous forms of the vaccine. We should be especially cautious about using new technologies on our children. Novel vaccines fast-tracked to market have in the past caused devastating harm – we draw your attention, for example, to the many children who now live with severe nervous system injuries caused by the Swine Flu vaccine which was given to children in 2009-10 before being withdrawn.[3][3.1] In another recent example, Dengvaxia, a new vaccine against Dengue Fever, was rolled out to children ahead of the full trial outcomes, and 19 children died of possible antibody-dependent enhancement before the vaccine was withdrawn.[4]
We are aware that many medical doctors and researchers have warned about a variety of potential dangers to children from Covid-19 vaccines. In particular, we refer you to the Open Letter[5] written to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) as reported in the Daily Telegraph on 18 May 2021[6], which described the plan to vaccinate children as “irresponsible, unethical and unnecessary”. We urge you to re-read that letter.’ LLS recommends all parents read this in full.
LLS wishes you all a great week ahead– keep up the struggle!
Thank you!
Let’s look at another COINCIDENCE!