Simon Elmer on biosecurity, capitalism and revolution

3 thoughts on “Simon Elmer on biosecurity, capitalism and revolution

  1. Brilliant , wonderful to read and come across you , I’m 100% on board with all that you say . Thankyou .

    Sue Cheetham
    I’m an acupuncturist
    I’m helping a lot of people with vaccine related damage and also those with fear & anxiety due to all of this .

  2. Thank you for sharing this interview, and for publishing the Hoar document. I’m so grateful that I found this website – I’ve felt like a pariah for the past year and a half, or that I was losing my mind. I started checking average age of death very early on in Ireland, which was always over 80, with the overall IFR so low. Yet NPHET/government were sending infected back to care homes. That’s when I first smelt a rat. Ireland endured very harsh lockdowns and has now instituted vaccine passports… and still no live music. It has torn the social fabric in Ireland, with the zoomerati happy to stay at home with their back gardens, completely oblivious to the suffering of the working class.

  3. Simon Elmer has been absolutely solid on this from the start. He puts great effort into all his articles. Hearing about how Francis Hoar helped to successfully defend ASH is great news. Hearing they needed to defend themselves at all, not so great (but expected these days sadly).

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