No conspiracies please, we’re reality theorists
Chris R takes the example of the impossible output of the Beatles to show how so-called ‘conspiracy theories’ are in fact reality theories.
Chris R takes the example of the impossible output of the Beatles to show how so-called ‘conspiracy theories’ are in fact reality theories.
Margaret Anna Alice assembles a barrage of resources documenting the lethality of the MRNA injections and Covid hospital protocols.
In Part 2 of his exploration of the geo-engineering phenomenon, Rusere Shoniwa examines the moral culpability of its perpetrators in the context of a broader pattern of terror unleashed on populations by agents of global capital. Originally published on A Plague on Both Houses.
Margaret Anna Alice revisits Ling Yutang’s 1930s writing on humour as a counterbalance to tyranny. Yutang’s ‘spirit of the scamp’ is just as needed today.
The Left/Right paradigm’s replacement by the Freedom/Authoritarian paradigm is explored in this article by Margaret Anna Alice.
Part 2 of Phil Shannon’s comparison of the Covid hysteria and the current situation in Ukraine.
Phil Shannon compares the Covid hysteria with the current Ukraine situation.
Western governments that enforced or voted for mandatory masking, lockdown restrictions and gene therapy with the greatest zealotry and are now pushing for the implementation of a system of Digital Identity, 15-minute cities, the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty and Central Bank Digital Currencies identified themselves to their electorates as either Left-wing or on the Left of Social Democratic or Liberal parties. So what are we?
Bert Olivier shares his thoughts on the emergent surveillance society and its philosophical context.
The noted publican Rod Humphris offers his perspective of leftist thinking, our current situation and ways out of it, emphasising the importance of nation, culture and future.