Simon Elmer is Now Fighting Woke With His Own Noxious Brand of Identity Politics – Part II: Britain Under the Yoke of Ethnic Neo-colonialism

In Part 2 of his 2 part series, Rusere Shoniwa explains why Britain has not been colonised by 2nd generation immigrants and discusses whether ‘White British culture’ is a red herring in staving off the Great Reset and whether cultural homogeneity is a laudable aim for the freedom minded.

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Immigrant? – Part III: Christian Soldiers with Planks in Their Eyes

In this 3rd and final article in his series dissecting the right leaning media’s takes on the role of immigrants in the recent French riots, Rusere Shoniwa takes a swipe at the fighting talk from alt media’s Christian soldiers, and examine how their typical analysis of Islamic extremism misses the glaringly obvious big picture.