What Caused David Miranda’s Death?
Margaret Anna Alice assembles a barrage of resources documenting the lethality of the MRNA injections and Covid hospital protocols.
Margaret Anna Alice assembles a barrage of resources documenting the lethality of the MRNA injections and Covid hospital protocols.
Republished response by audience member at our March Conference to Dr Craig’s comments on addressing questions of pediatric vaccination safety in the medical freedom advocacy space, during the ‘Medical case Against the WEF’ panel.
Rusere Shoniwa analyses the significance of a 2017 pandemic wargame scenario plan for a vaccine reckoning. He uses the wargame scenario’s predicted success in subduing public outrage over vaccine failure/injury as the basis for assessing the likelihood of possible outcomes in the current covid vaccine debacle.
Exploring the workings of the pandemic industry and juxtaposing the 2009 Swine flu pandemic with the current carnage of covid vaccination, Rusere Shoniwa offers some explanations for why a covid ‘vaccine’ pandemic should, but won’t be declared.