Originally published on A Plague on Both Houses substack. Also published on Real Left’s substack. You can subscribe on Substack for notifications of all articles and events here.
The objective of this series of articles is to shed light on disclosures the UK government has made on sun-dimming geoengineering, why it thinks it can engage in this madness without public consultation and permission, and what scope there is for any legal challenge to it.
Part II of this series highlighted the government’s contradictory position that it has “no plans” to deploy Solar Radiation Management (SRM), but has nevertheless “commissioned research into the effects of SRM on climate”. Because that’s what you do when you have no plans to engage in an activity – you pour tonnes of other people’s money into researching the hell out of it, just so that you can confirm that it’s a damn good idea you have no plans to do it in the first place.
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In this concluding Part III, I’ll summarise the status of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, debunk the BBC’s ‘debunking’ of mad ‘conspiracists’ like me, speculate on why the government is so confident in its denial of something that is clearly happening in plain/plane sight, and muse on what it might take to stop the psychopaths from spraying us like cattle on a ranch.
The status of FOIAs (and why I won’t be doing one)
This request, sent to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) in October 2023, is representative of the answer the authorities are giving to the chemtrails question. The CAA must have a template for these requests because they replied the next day. The answer was categorical:
“’Geoengineering, aerosol spraying, and related activities’ are not taking place in the United Kingdom. Aircraft are not allowed to dispense any chemicals into the atmosphere.”
They then proceeded to provide edification on what we are ‘really’ seeing, which I will reproduce under the section on Gaslighting and debunking the debunkers.
Pretty much every single government department that might have a connection to geoengineering has received a FOIA request from members of the public possessed of sufficient levels of self-esteem to get angry about being sprayed. One of the most comprehensive letters I have seen comes from Dan Titchmarsh, sent in April 2017 to the Ministry of Defence. It is, frankly, brilliant. After pointing out how the trails which persist for 15-30 minutes and sometimes over 2 hours, causing “the skies [to] become hazy and misty blocking out the natural sunlight”, he calmly asserts the absurdity of dismissing this phenomenon as mere water vapour. He rightly infers that the “many people, not just in the UK but all around Europe and even the World [who] are experiencing these odd trails” are not going mad. He includes the video evidence of researchers, as I will in due course, who effectively dismiss this gaslighting.
Crucially, he highlights the historical evidence of similar past crimes by the government involving deliberate mass poisoning experiments on UK citizens, such as the Norwich Porton Down experiments carried out in 1964 in which residents of Norwich were repeatedly sprayed by military aircraft with a substance known as “Silicon treated FP”. Any lingering doubts about whether the highly detailed government project notes sourced by Mr Titchmarsh are authentic will be dispelled when you read the instructions to the staff about the arrangements they should make for food and refreshments as they go about their business of poisoning their fellow citizens. You just couldn’t make it up: “All staff will make their own arrangements for lunch in Norwich and should provide themselves with a packed meal for the evening, whilst the trial is in progress.” Well, thank heavens the poor residents of Norwich didn’t have to foot their poisoners’ food bill in addition to the tab for the actual poisoning itself. That would have really been adding insult to injury. The MoD certainly knows where to draw the line when conducting undisclosed mass experimentation on the public.
The very valid point Mr Titchmarsh was making in citing several of these past state crimes is that the psychopaths have done it before, and not just once. They have form, and it is happening again.
Mr Titchmarsh concluded his request with a stern admonition that he did “not want any reply stating that, as many other people’s FOIA requests have done in the past, ‘these are Contrails formed by ice crystals or they are not a recognised phenomena’.” Too bloody right! “Let’s see how the Vogons at the MoD handle this one”, I said to myself. Regrettably, the MoD Vogons handled it by adhering officiously to the section of the Vogon manual for dealing with feisty members of the public. Unfazed by Mr Titchmarsh’s spirited attempt to prise the truth from their stingy filing cabinets, they responded tersely: “the MOD does not engage in geo-engineering activities”, adding that “the trails you have observed in the sky are aircraft condensation trails.” They went on to deal with nine specific questions posed by Mr Titchmarsh, eight of which were peremptorily answered with “No information is held”.
This May 2024 request to the Cabinet Office for comprehensive information on geoengineering was met with:
“We are writing to inform you that the Cabinet Office is unable to comply with your request… Your request exceeds the cost limit [£600] in establishing whether information is held, locating and retrieving information and extracting relevant information from its source(s).”
This, by the way, is termed a “partially successful” request in Vogon speak.
A December 2023 request sent to the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) received an information-not-held response.
A June 2024 request for confirmation on whether the government was deploying SAI was responded to by DESNZ with a reiteration of the government’s position paper “stating it is not deploying SRM and has no plans to do so.”
A petition was started to make all forms of geoengineering affecting the environment illegal. It was closed early owing to the General Election.
I will not be submitting a FOIA request.
Gaslighting, and debunking the debunkers
The CAA response to the October 2023 FOIA request referenced above gives the following explanation for the chemtrails phenomenon:
“What you are witnessing is the formation of persistent condensation trails (contrails) by aircraft transiting along the Air Traffic Service routes (also known as airways) that are established over the UK. Contrails are formed when water vapour, which is emitted from aircraft engines as part of the combustion process, comes into contact with the surrounding air. Their formation is completely dependent on the ambient atmospheric conditions, such as temperature, pressure and humidity; if the air is dry (low level of humidity), the trail will only appear, if at all, as a short plume behind the aircraft, whereas if the surrounding air is at, or close to, saturation (high level of humidity) the contrail will evaporate slowly, or not at all, and will be long and persistent, occasionally spreading into cirrus like cloud. This explains why contrails appear behind some aircraft, but not others.” [emphasis added]
Backing them up are Auntie Beeb’s trusty foot soldiers slaying ‘conspiracy theorists’, left, right and centre. The linked piece is an MSM boiler plate ridiculing of ‘conspiracy theorists’, finishing off with a clunky subliminal message: “But it [SRM] possibly could be part of an array of solutions.” Indeed, as would sending every BBC ‘journalist’ to a gulag in Siberia for 30 years. It comes, of course, complete with the obligatory reference to volcanic eruptions. Fear not dear Normie! If volcanos have been doing it for eons, there’s no reason why humans can’t jump on the bandwagon! The only silver lining at the end of this noxious BBC cloud is a reference to an analysis of two million tweets in which 70% were found to have expressed negative sentiments about SRM. Many filthy brains still to be washed, but the Beeb’s army of ‘debunkers’ are up for it. Here is the writer’s inelegant conclusion about chemtrails:
“One of these [conspiracies] is to do with ‘chemtrails’, a widely debunked conspiracy theory about an alleged secret plot to spray people with dangerous chemicals, suggesting the white streaks in the sky that come out the back of planes is evidence of this. These are actually condensed water vapour trails – known as contrails – that come from the jet engines of planes.”
So let’s tackle the contrails disinformation.
At the start of the Geoengineering Watch documentary The Dimming, Dane Wigington highlights the fact that jet engines on all military aircraft and all commercial carriers are, by design, incapable of producing any condensation trail except in rare and extreme circumstances. He shows footage of aircraft flying at altitude with particulate dispersing nozzles visible, turning on and off. That, he says, is the end of the argument:

In this short video to debunk the debunkers, Dane Wigington, founder of Geoengineering Watch, explains that “the official narrative that this is all just condensation is a verifiable lie. Using actual footage of jet aircraft dispersion, one can see that the dispersion behaves like smoke, which is a particulate – a clear indication that we are not dealing with condensation, which does not behave like a particulate.
This piece, posted by Anthony Hall, embeds a four-stage photo display of what I and millions of others here and around the world have been seeing for years now as the chemical-grey shit is dispersed in the sky:
1. The planes spray the skies with straight-line streaks.
2. The trails persist and then gradually spread out.
3. A blanket begins to form and cover the sky.
4. Finally, the chemical blanket turns to an even, grey smear in the sky.
Stages 1 to 4 are completed within an hour. Vapour trails simply can’t behave this way. Whether or not the chemtrails ‘debunkers’ know it, they are antagonists in a psyop in which they are telling you to deny the undeniable evidence of your own eyes.

London, where I live, has fairly busy skies owing to the location of Gatwick and Heathrow airports at its boundary. On a clear day, you can see passenger jets flying overhead, and not once have I seen them emitting a contrail. At slightly higher altitudes you can see smaller planes emitting chemtrails. The altitude at which the smaller planes are flying is not that much greater than the passenger aircraft by virtue of the fact that the planes are still visible to the eye.
Although the spraying has been intensive this summer, it does not happen on every single clear day. Ask yourself why it is that on one day you will see intensive spraying and grid patterns, and then there will be odd days when there is nothing. Those days in which there is a break in spraying are not explained by a sudden disappearance of commercial air traffic, which not only continues as normal but does not result in the chemical grid patterns that were there in the heavy spraying days.
Again, ask yourself how you can watch a plane leaving a trail from horizon to horizon, alongside normal commercial aircraft leaving nothing.
The mainstream media’s function is to disseminate disinformation to control public opinion in defence of government and corporate interests. If you can make this essential paradigm shift, then seeing the BBC wade in to ‘debunk’ a ‘conspiracy theory’ is actually a sure sign that the theory is reality, and that the bent ‘debunking’ coppers are arriving at the scene of the crime to cover up the truth. Referring to the BBC’s ‘debunking’ article, and numerous others like it, Alex Klaushofer made the following astute observation in the comments section of Part II:
“This alone set off alarm bells for me, as it follows a pattern I’ve observed in the mainstream media since 2020. As a journalist who’s written for many of the outlets in question, I’ve studied the editorial thinking behind what they run and so was able to see the shift clearly. Basically it goes like this:
· pick something many of the public are noticing or talking about, such as Covid vaccines or 15 minute cities.
· label those people conspiracy theorists or far-right and discredit their concerns.
· THEN re-assert the initial topic in terms which fits the narrative or, in the case of the BBC article on SRM, say: “well, wouldn’t it be a good idea if it DID happen?”
This is a way of trying to gain public acceptance for the idea. They know the cat is out of the bag in terms of the numbers of people observing the skies and becoming concerned about the weather. So the only way they’ll be able to continue long-term is if people are persuaded to accept SRM as a necessary measure in the face of climate [change], [as with] the vaccines in the face of Covid. It’s psychological manipulation on a mass scale – aka Fifth Generation Warfare.”
For this to work, not everyone at the Beeb is required to be in on it. You only need a tiny number to be in on it – those at the very top. The schmucks who write this stuff probably believe every word of their meaningless drivel. They haven’t had a semi-original thought in their lives, which is why they languish on the Beeb’s payroll in the first place. All it takes is for a much higher-up to hint that it’s time to ‘debunk’ ‘conspiracy theory’ X along the lines outlined above, and off they go like a faithful Retriever chasing that tennis ball thrown by the master they adore and serve.
The fallout
Dane Wigington articulates the threat to humans that government and international quango pro-geoengineering reports assiduously avoid:
“In every place where we would expect to see this fallout [the chemical particulates being sprayed], we see it. It’s bioavailable. These particulates are so small they’re absorbed in everything from plant life; they enter straight through our lung lining into our bloodstream where they adhere to cell receptors like a plaque. The snow off the side of Mount Shasta, thought to be a pristine water source…snow samples off the side of Mt Shasta as tested at a state certified lab…showed 61,000 parts per billion of aluminium, highly toxic….Every human test subject we test, hair, blood or urine, has off-the-charts levels of aluminium and barium and strontium – metals named in climate engineering patents…Aluminium cannot exist in that state [freeform] unless it’s been mined, refined and sprayed. Period. And now it is showing up in freeform everywhere.”
How is it being done if they aren’t officially doing it?
Classifying it as a military operation would conceivably cloak many aspects of it in a thick veil of secrecy. I think that it’s also possible that the government has contracted out spraying activities in a way that gives the higher-ups plausible deniability. How could they do that? They’d be using what I’d call money soiling or reverse money laundering. Money laundering is the activity involved in making dirty money clean – filtering the proceeds of crime into the formal banking system. Money soiling or reverse money laundering is making clean money dirty – putting clean money, like our taxes, to work in criminal activities and covering any tracks that lead back to the clean money and the perpetrators. At a basic level, this is in fact pretty much what government is – reverse money laundering. Spending billions on track-and-trace, ‘vaccines’ and wars, to name just a few of these activities.
If I were a betting man, I’d say that’s exactly what happened with the Rwanda asylum seeker scam. Our government (which is not our government at all) struck the deal of the century with Rwanda. In return for getting rid of 300 asylum seekers, it agreed to send a mere £540 million to a government that thinks nothing of locking people up and torturing them for suggesting that their president might not be the cleverest or best looking person on the planet. There’s a pretty good chance that that money has not remained in Rwanda. By the time Herr Starmer shut the scheme down, £290 million had already been paid, and Rwanda had processed approximately zero asylum seekers. If you’re thinking that the money should be recovered, then you haven’t yet understood reverse money laundering. The government Vogons have a quaint name for flushing your hard-earned money down the toilet – it’s variously called a ‘constructive loss’ or ‘fruitless payment’. And no, Starmer isn’t some sensible money-saving hero. He’ll be running the same idiotic scams, but packaged to appeal to the red team’s voters.
So, if you wanted to do some really crazy dot-joining, you might ask: has the Rwandan dosh been funding the spraying? [Dear BBC, if anyone from your ‘debunking’ team has accidentally landed on this page, please do a robust ‘conspiracy theorist’ write-up of this and any other theories here that you think might lend themselves to a jolly good ‘debunking’. While you’re at it, do have a good rootle around in my archive. I trust you will find it a rich seam to mine. And please don’t forget to link to this and other Plague on Both Houses pieces; I could do with the extra traffic. Ta!]
What will it take to stop the spraying?
It won’t be easy to challenge the government about a crime it insists it’s not committing and which, despite it happening in plain sight, has so far been brushed off with the contrail gaslighting narrative. Numerous FOIA requests have put the government on notice about this crime, and the government has, unsurprisingly, responded with “nothing to see here.” It’s a complex crime. Essentially, some of us are saying the chemical-grey shit in the sky is chemtrails; the government insists it’s contrails, and the burden of proof is on us. It has been proven in the US, but it hasn’t, to my knowledge, been proven here in the same way that it has been thoroughly exposed in the US.
The UK doesn’t have sophisticated and well-resourced anti-geoengineering activist groups like the US. Unlike the US, we also don’t have whistleblowers exposing the UK’s spraying operations. We also don’t have high-ranking politicians, like RFK Jnr, committing on the election campaign trail to put a stop to the spraying crime. We also don’t have autonomous states, as the US does, that have stuck two fingers up at the federal government by introducing state legislation to ban SRM. Yes, the state of Tennessee has decided that the best way to prove that chemtrails are the product of the feverish minds of wild-eyed, far-right conspiracy theorists is to pass a law banning all SRM activity in that state.
Seven other states in the US are either working on legislation to ban SRM or have passed laws. They are responding to the reality in the sky and to a 2023 Biden White House report pushing for the development of SRM, including “outdoor experiments”. Reports discussing ‘research’ into SRM are, to put it mildly, disingenuous when the activity has been going on for years. The purpose of such reports is to retrospectively legitimise the ongoing crime.
At the global level, it seems Africa is the only continent in the global family right now that holds sane attitudes to spraying the stratosphere with hazardous chemicals. At a United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) meeting in Nairobi in February, African nations were opposed to anything that enables SRM. However, the delegates failed to agree on a ban on SRM as it seems that the rest of the world wants some form of international agreement to legitimise it.
So, what is to be done in the UK?
An activist pal based in Greece responded to Parts I and II of this series with some information about Notices of Liability. I am currently researching that as a potential way to give the spraying psychopaths the willies. Understanding whether and how it could apply in this situation will require a discussion with someone legally competent. I will post a follow-up piece if that looks like a feasible tactic.
I am loathe to write begging letters to our WEFminster MPs whose sole job is to toe the party line set by their puppet-masters, and who in any case have about as much courage, integrity and critical thinking skills as lethargic amoeba. But there might be something in it as a way of putting the stooges on notice. An activist group called Britons for a Clean Atmosphere have prepared a letter you could send to your MP. Oddly, the template appears on the website of their partner site in the US but not on the UK website. Out of a total of 19 posts made so far by the group, only one is on SRM geoengineering. The rest seem to be on EMF and other harmful radiation, which seems to have been their focus thus far.
Sending letters to the Muppets in Parliament can have an effect only if there is a deluge of letters, and even then the only purpose it serves is to let them know that we know. But that’s an important first step in the Fifth Generation Warfare battle. There is still a lot of work to be done on raising the level of awareness in the UK, which seems to be nowhere near that of the US. So we have to keep sharing information about it. Sadly, the few alternative media outlets with significant reach and who actually do a good job of debunking climate alarmism also have a tendency to assiduously avoid geoengineering. This makes absolutely no sense. Firstly, geoengineering is real; it is not a ‘conspiracy theory’. Even if you erroneously thought that it hadn’t begun, you’d have to be screaming at the top of your lungs for it not to start. Secondly, if you come to understand that CO2 is not the threat it’s made out to be, and you can acknowledge the very real threat of SRM geoengineering, how can you then justify putting your head in the sand about the real environmental threat of SRM? Geoengineering is bad enough at current levels, but the bastards are only getting started. Both beasts must be slain.
There is no sound scientific basis behind the anthropogenic global warming scare and nor is there any basis for assuming that such a climatic change would be catastrophic. There is no basis for assuming that we can’t adapt to whatever climate change comes our way with reasonable measures that would be nowhere near as catastrophic as the current ‘decarbonisation’ measures being proposed by the millenarian climate cult. If there are UK scientists who know this, then we could also do with more principled and authoritative voices in the scientific community shining a light on the madness of the sun-dimming ghouls. Just one voice would do at the moment! Courage is contagious. There must be credentialled scientists in the UK who understand that neither wisdom nor sensible science can provide an alibi for saturating the planet in millions of tonnes of hazardous chemicals in pursuit of the farcical goal of preventing the global temperature from rising by 1.5 degrees C. Where are they?
The only thing we can be sure of is that the climate is always changing. The only difference between past and current changes is that, in the past, humans had sufficient humility to realise we are not gods who can go to war with nature and win. Warring with nature is, after all, warring with ourselves. And as for ‘saving the planet’, the planet will be here long after we have poisoned ourselves off it. It is tragically ironic that such an atrocity against nature and humanity could be justified in the name of saving nature and humanity. But then again, that deception is the only way in which foolishness on such a grand scale could ever come to be widely accepted as wisdom. The unspoken logic is nevertheless quite stunning in its perversity – we must kill ourselves to save ourselves. As things stand right now, this grotesque inversion of idiocy and wisdom is endemic and has thrust humanity headlong into a self-inflicted death spiral.
Over the past three decades, a criminal and parasitic ruling class has dragged humanity into the most idiotic of unwinnable wars: the war on drugs; the war on terror, in which the most lethal terrorists were the ones declaring the war; the war on viruses. All these wars in one way or another have served only one purpose – to strengthen the parasitic class’s vice-like grip on the levers of power, wealth and control. The war on the sun is in a league of its own. Sunlight is a vital nutrient for humans, crops, plants and the entire ecosystem. The crime of blocking the sun’s rays from reaching humanity is so completely unprecedented in its expansiveness that one struggles to find the right words to articulate its diabolical grandeur. And then it becomes obvious that governments in the West have elevated global terrorism to the cosmic level. It’s cosmic terrorism, which is an achievement we could not have even conceived of before the turn of the century. It is a brazen confirmation that the globalist ruling class represent the high priests of nothing less than a fully fledged death cult. If humanity submits to this cult, it may well be the last war the parasites will need to declare.
This was written 14 years ago. It is still valid today.
There is a long and complex history to the current Chemtrails Theory. It includes the dispersal of radioactive dust from aircraft over Northern New Mexico by the Los Alamos Laboratory during the 50s and 60s to test out the effects of fallout on public health, the unfounded rumor circulating in the Midwest among farmers in the 70s to the effect that the government, on behalf of the banks, was seeding clouds to make them drop their rain over the Far West instead of reaching the Midwest so farmers would go bankrupt and the banks could take their land, and statements by Dave Foreman, founder of Earth First!, who used to like to rile his audiences in the 80s by saying there are too many people on this planet and most of them should be recycled back into the food chain where they belong.
The Wise-Use movement, a fake grass-roots front group for extractive industries, grabbed onto this and publicized the bogus claim that the “radical environmentalists” were out to kill off much of the human race. They also used anti-government feelings among rural Westerners to push the idea that the Federal Government was dominated by “radical environmentalists”, a term they used to describe any efforts at environmental protection, no matter how moderate.
The result was a rash of thriller novels about radical environmentalist terrorists trying to cause a nuclear plant to have a meltdown to kill millions of people to save the earth from overpopulation. They were always defeated in the nick of time by the heroic FBI agent who salvaged the status quo.
Now you can find all these elements woven together into a metanarrative that claims the United States Government is controlled by radical environmentalists who want to depopulate the planet because they are concerned about overpopulation. So they are claimed to be spraying toxic chemicals indiscriminately into the atmosphere to kill millions of innocent people at random.
So far, it does not seem to be working too well.
Fact is, there really ARE far too many people on this planet, and we really DO need to get the population down to what the earth can support. But the American government is not concerned about overpopulation and is not trying to do anything about it. On the contrary, they encourage population growth for short-term economic reasons.
I know a lot of “radical environmentalists”. All of them agree there are too many people on earth, but I have never met one who actually wanted to kill off the excess. What environmentalists mean when they say “reduce the population”, is to encourage voluntary use of birth control.
Another aspect of the “chemtrails” theory is the claim that there is a connection to weather control. This got started in the 70s by a retired Army officer named Tomas Beardon, who made a mint on the far-right lecture circuit by his claims that the Soviet Union was using some electromagnetic technology to control the weather over North America .
Aside from making money, his probable agenda was to get public opinion behind research on weather control by the U.S. Army. The failed attempt by the CIA to seed clouds in Viet Nam to bog down Viet Cong supply trains made the military planers want more funding for research on the subject, and Bearden probably was part of the Pentagons’ public-relations sales pitch.
The Office of Naval Research did have a small cloudseeding research program at China Lake, California, which was cancelled and all its’ reports declassified in 1978 after the U.S. signed a treaty, the United Nations Convention on Environmental Modification As A Weapon Of War, which outlawed military use of weather control, including any research on the subject.
There was also a program of seeding hurricanes in the Caribbean. That was discontinued also.
The chemtrails proponents have woven these elements into their narrative also. They usually invoke a boondgogle in Alaska known as Project HAARP. They seem to think the mere mention of weather control as a possible application of the type of technology covered in the patent for the equipment being used in this phony project is equal to proof it actually works and is being used.
I have had quite a bit to do with patent applications, and I can tell you from first-hand experience that when you write the application, you include every possible use that can be imagined, no matter how far-fetched, just in case someday, somehow, in some remotely unlikely way, the technology might be usefulin that way. That is so if the unlikely does happen, your patent will cover it.
The mention of weather control in the patent for the HAARP antenna array does not in any way indicate that HAARP had any existing weather control function.
But the chemtrail enthusiasts have latched onto the idea of electronic weather control and worked it into their chemtrail picture in the form of particles of various materials being dispersed in the upper atmosphere to reflect energy beamed up from the ground to somehow affect the weather.
Lately, they have also added in the idea that the U.S. Government (!) is secretly so worried about global warming that it is trying to offset the effects by seeding the upper atmosphere with reflective materials to block sunlight from hitting the earth. They usually cite a purely speculative suggestion to this effect by Edward Teller ( who should have won a Lex Luthor Award for Worlds’ Maddest Scientist) as if the mere suggestion that it MIGHT be done is proof that it IS being done.
But there simply is nothing to any of it except the misguided thinking of people who do not understand enough about how the atmosphere works to know that what they think they are seeing is not possible.
In my opinion, what we are seeing here is an example of a sociological phenomena; a distrust of government, and a feeling of helplessness against the Powers-That-Be, that combine to make a large number of people feel a need to blame the all-powerful government for everything that goes wrong, even bad weather.
Combine that with the submerged curiosity of a small child who never did find out, and therefore at some deep level as an adult still wonders, what Daddy and Mommy were doing behind closed doors, and you end up with a theory that resonates with a large number of people in this crazy, mixed-up world.
I would like to point out that I have had this debate many times already, with many different chemtrail proponents, and there is not much you can say on it that I have not heard already. So far, nothing I have had presented to me by advocates of the chemtrail hypothesis has been convincing. I remain, as always, open to NEW evidence, but so far, I have not seen any.
And until I do, I will continue to urge that the time and effort being wasted on this bogus nonsense would be better spent working on REAL environmental issues. The environmental movement needs all the energy it can get, and this sort of diversion into wooly fantasy-land is not helping solve the very important problems of our time
I do not have any way of knowing what the U.S. government might want. But I would not be at all surprised to find out that at least some people are thinking that this chemtrail hoax is a good distraction to get at least some potential environmental activists distracted from opposition to real activities that really do do damage to the environment. Like building nuclear power plants, for example.
But I also think there is a world of difference between a grant-raising proposal that claims some far-fetched project like weather control or building solar-power stations in orbit to beam electricity down to earth, or dispensing chaff in the upper atmosphere to block incoming sunlight is possible, and such a program actually being underway.
Grantsmanship is what scientists do for a living. They get funding for “feasibility studies” and “research” by claiming things are possible as a long-term result of their research. They habitually tell the funding agencies that they will deliver pie in the sky. The mention of something on some website means only that a grant proposal was written, not that a massive project is underway.
If there was a project of that sort, on the scale that is claimed by the chemtrail buffs, show me the Congressional appropriation for it. Show me the Congressional Record of the debate on the issue. Show me the press release about it.
But do not expect me to believe there could be such a project without any public debate, without any appropriation, without any public-relations office handing out press releases about it.
And, most especially, do not expect me to believe that such a top-secret, illegal, and politically-unacceptable program could be mentioned on a publicly-accessible miltitary website. Classified material would not be posted on the internet.
I find the whole chemtrail topic fascinating. But it is a topic in the social sciences, not the physical sciences. The issue in the chemtrail story is why do people who see something in the sky that they do not understand think up these stories? And why do other people, who did not see anything strange in the sky, believe them?
And what is the relationship between this story and the very similar phenomena of people believing stories about the resurrection of a dead man, or a shining woman who appeared to some children in Portugal, or beings from another planet that have taken someone for a ride in a spaceship?
There is something very important going on here. But it is not going on in the skies. It is going on in the minds of people. And the sooner we learn to understand it, the better off we shall be.
Because there REALLY ARE serious environmental problems on this earth. They are not caused by some small, secretive group holding a meeting in a boardroom or in an office in the White House or in the Pentagon, and deciding to do something to kill a lot of people. They are caused by the huge numbers of people on this planet, the type and stage of development of the industrialized technology those billions of people have available to them, and the centuries-old cultural mind-set that sees nature as an enemy, land as property, animals as objects, and more people and more technology as a good thing.
And it does not help to have the pitifully small number of activists distracted by fairy tales of problems that do not exist and for the already under-funded environmental movement to lose credibility, and therefore donations, because some of its’ members are falling for a hoax that anyone with any scientific education simply cannot believe.
Which leads me to the conclusion that spreading the chemtrail stories is a harmful factor in the fight we are all engaged in, for the protection of the earth
Real conspiracies do exist. But there is a difference between seeing one that is really there and seeing them everywhere without any evidence. The tendency to become convinced of a conspiracy without actual evidence is due to having, as a small child, not ever having found out, at least not in a manner one could process, what Daddy and Mommy were doing in the bedroom with the door closed.
That childhood experience can cause one, years later, as an adult, to see everything in terms of Big People, doing Something Bad in Secret. The childhood experience gets projected onto other Big People who hold Great Power, usually the government, but also sometimes the Church, a hidden cabal of a distrusted minority group such as Jews or Muslims, or agents of a feared enemy nation.
The distribution of conspiracy theories is not equal among the population. It is most common on the right of the political spectrum because that is where the most sexual repression is found, so that is where there are more adults who were never able to discover what Daddy and Mommy were doing, or rather, were never able, later, when they reached puberty and should have been able to figure it out, could not assimilate the information and admit that was something Daddy and Mommy would do.
In recent years, as the feelings of helplessness in the face of authority figures with overwhelming power over the lives of helpless individuals has grown, more and more people are reverting to a childhood state of helplessness and dependency. And along with that revival of early feelings come the conviction that Big People are Up To Something Bad in Secret. One result of this reverting to childhood feelings of helplessness against these Big People is to see conspiracies by the Government everywhere.
But in almost all cases, it is only the particular conspiracies of the usual populist conspiracy-theoory movement that become popular enough for most people to believe them. There are any number of websites about HAARP, Chemtrails, and UFO cover-ups, but none on real, well-documented conspiracies like police cars that carry throw-down guns or FBI agents allowing gangsters like Whitey Bulgar to kill hundreds of people over decades in exchange for information on his competition.
This article is a mix of truth, paranoia, and speculation along with some outright fantasies that have been refuted long ago. Anyone who thinks there is any such thing as chemtrails obviously has no understanding of how the atmosphere of the earth functions.
The push for geo-engineering comes mainly from scientists wanting grant money to study it, not from any ”billionaires” or political actors who want political power. Political power in the modern world is too widely dispersed for any single group to have very much. The real problem is more from scientists who hold incorrect theories of how the atmosphere works and refuse to believe evidence that contradicts those theories.
Most of these proposed projects will not work as planned and those that might work are almost certain to have harmful side effects, but the scientists are so wedded to their theories that thhey will not believe that even after they see it happening. And meanwhile, instead of a strong movement to rein in out of control science there is developing a paranoid Neo-Marxist conspiracy theory movement that imagines a few power mad ”billionaires” are the problem.
And, while it is true these insane schemes will do a lot of harm if ever attempted, there are already so many harmful human projects going on in the world today that one or two more will not make much difference to the time frame left before the current civilization collapses completely anyway.
And instead of vainly trying to prevent that highly desireable outcome, efforts should be directed to making it happen sooner so there will be more of the natural world left afterwards to start the lobng process of recovery from the Human Age.