Take back our lives! Reimagining the left in 2022
Join us on 12 Feb to understand the past two years, strategise for the current campaigns against vaccine mandates and plan the future of the anti-lockdown left.
Join us on 12 Feb to understand the past two years, strategise for the current campaigns against vaccine mandates and plan the future of the anti-lockdown left.
As healthcare professionals we deal in the business of informed consent and patient safety, writes the NHS specialist nurse who marched with thousands of others against the mandate.
We are sharing details of a non-partisan event not linked to LLS: an activist panel & Q & A followed by pub social.
Take Back Our Lives is a day of talks and discussion towards both reclaiming sanity in public health and building left opposition to tyranny.
Rusere calls for action against coming regulations which ‘explicitly target lawful speech’, including private messages, to ‘protect’ adults from ‘misinformation’ on vaccines and Covid-19.
Our correspondent, who is retired and living in Greece, reflects on the new system of vaccine passports and fines for over 60s who refuse the booster.
As we endure a Christmas panto of Omicron fear porn, the SAGE equivalent in South Africa – Omicron’s original so-called epicentre – is recommending the end of all contract tracing and self-isolation.
Bruce Wallace skewers a review of 2021 and look-ahead to 2022 by Hannah Sell, general secretary of the Socialist Party, which manages to totally ignore lockdowns, mass vaccination or big pharma.