The Journey from 1950s Maoist Thought Reform to 21st Century Covid Tyranny – Part II
Rusere Shoniwa continues his application of Robert Lifton’s study of Maoist brainwashing to the manipulation of science and language in the Covid era.
Rusere Shoniwa continues his application of Robert Lifton’s study of Maoist brainwashing to the manipulation of science and language in the Covid era.
Rusere Shoniwa discusses the Government’s deployment of psychological warfare techniques to induce compliance with Covid containment policies.
Rusere calls for action against coming regulations which ‘explicitly target lawful speech’, including private messages, to ‘protect’ adults from ‘misinformation’ on vaccines and Covid-19.
As we endure a Christmas panto of Omicron fear porn, the SAGE equivalent in South Africa – Omicron’s original so-called epicentre – is recommending the end of all contract tracing and self-isolation.
Calling for African resistance to Western Covid diktats, Rusere Shoniwa pulls apart the ‘agitprop for Big Pharma’ of a BBC interview with Dr. Ayoade Alakija, Co-Chair of the African Union’s Vaccine Delivery Alliance.
Zimbardo said: “The line between good and evil is permeable. Any of us can move across it”. We are hurtling down a road to hell and it’s signposted ‘Vaccine Passports’, writes Rusere Shoniwa.
Part 1 warned that the Covid crisis has induced a mass delusional psychosis which lays the path totalitarianism. Here Rusere exposes the delusion using an age-old expedient – being able to smell a rat.
If you’re trying to change opinions, you ought really to address those with whom you disagree. So, this is an open letter to those who are either indifferent to or in support of vaccine passports.
The situation is bleak but resistance is growing. The growth in the violence, irrationality and desperation of governments’ attempts to enforce tyranny are the result of growing resistance to tyranny.
Cloaking censorship in a defence of the truth is a form of absurdism that only very powerful psychopaths could engage in, writes Rusere Shoniwa. It’s Big Tech’s way of laughing at us.