Featuring Cory Morningstar, Dr Fabio Vighi, CJ Hopkins, Paul Cudenec, Piers Corbyn and Vikki Spit.
Real Left is excited to invite you to our first public conference under our new name, ‘The Left Case Against the World Economic Forum’ on Saturday 25 March in central London from 10.00am-5.00pm. Join us for a rare opportunity to hear in person from some of the most radical and incisive dissident minds in Europe. Buy your ticket in advance here (cash and concession options are below).
The schedule for the day is as follows:
10.00: Registration
10.30: 1st panel: ‘The medical case against the WEF’ followed by Q&A. Speakers include MRNA injection widow & 1st UK recipient from the Vaccine Damages Payment scheme for MRNA injection harms, Vikki Spit.
11.40: Comfort break
11.50: 2nd panel: ‘The ecological case against the WEF’ followed by Q&A. Speakers are Cory Morningstar, Paul Cudenec and Piers Corbyn.
1:00-2:00: Lunch break
Options for lunch are: bring a sharing dish to eat from pot luck spread OR bring a packed lunch OR pop to Angel for a range of options including Chapel Market and Waitrose fresh sushi counter.
2.00: 3rd panel: ‘The political and economic case against the WEF’ followed by Q & A. Speakers are Dr Fabio Vighi and CJ Hopkins.
3.10: Comfort break
3.25: Breakout session into smaller discussion groups
Topics include:
* Working with the left to oppose LTNs and 15 min cities
* Working towards an alternative healthcare system
* Rediscovering human belonging to the natural world
* The dangers the 4th industrial revolution poses to Organized Labour and working together to combat them
4.20: Groups feedback summary of discussion and action points to rest of attendees. Closing plenary.
5.00: Finish.
5.30: Reconvene at venue for social for those that wish.
Please bring cash for the social. We will have a limited number of books authored by CJ Hopkins, Dr Fabio Vighi and Paul Cudenec available for purchase (cash only.) CJ Hopkins has kindly offered to sign books for those that wish, in the lunch break and social afterwards.
You can buy your ticket in advance here.
Alternatively, if you prefer to avoid a digital footprint and commission fees, we are more than happy to take cash payment on the day. For those in financial hardship, we have free places available also.
For cash or free tickets, email: realleftevents@yahoo.com, and put ‘CASH TICKET’ or ‘CONCESSION PLUS TICKET’ (respectively) in subject line. You MUST email to reserve your place however if you are not buying an Eventbrite ticket, as we may sell out. Anyone whose name is not on our list will not be admitted entry.
We will be either filming or audio recording (for later transcription) all panels. There is a no photography or filming policy in main venue for all attendees.
We very much look forward to meeting and hearing from you at what promises to be a highly stimulating, informative and memorable event. Don’t miss out – book your ticket ASAP!
V. Exciting and Great Relief to see this sort of conversation/ (inter)action occuring right now. It will surely be a catalyst for a more truthful future. Sorely needed. Sincere Congrats. to All involved in organizing this event –
The line up for this looks like this will be a thought provoking meeting. Unfortunately I am unable to attend as I live in the wilds of N.E. England. Looking forward to the recording.
I am sure it will be a great success and look forward to future meetings which I hope to attend.
As I am vaccine injured and live up North to far to travel being unwell. But I look forward to watching this online afterwards. TruthBeTold campaign is also in London that day giving a voice to the vaccine injured and bereaved.
Very sorry to hear you are vaccine injured. If you are able to make it to a nearer meeting, RL is holding a public event in Manchester at beginning of may, more details to be released soon.
As an ex-leftist of some years standing now, I welcome this initiative by free-thinking leftists to differentiate themselves from a mass movement which no longer defends working class interests, national interests, or freedom of speech. Nor do leftist leaders condemn anti-white racism, anti-Christian bigotry, stolen elections, and mass-murdering communist dictatorships. Given this sad recent history, it would be great to see real leftists like Jeremy Corbyn rebuilding bridges with those he has rejected and often slandered in the past. I’m talking about the greatest enemies of the WEF and globalist tyranny: the working class MAGA movement led by Donald Trump, who rejected ‘the false song of globalism’ years ago. So ‘real leftists’, if you want to build a popular mass movement, what about some humility, and offering an apology and a new friendship to your obvious allies?
Brilliant comment 👏👏👏👏👏