Busting the “Covid Myth Busters”
Oliver has made himself quite a media profile, having written columns for most major newspapers and appearing on BBC and Sky TV, making him an ideal “human face” for the establishment propaganda campaign. But as I will show, these so-called refutations are a mixture of sleight-of-hand, half-truths and straight up lies.
Germ Theory Extremism In a Post Covid World
One of the major reasons I was a lockdown sceptic from the very start is because the idea we are simply passive victims or sitting ducks to environmental pathogens does not tally with my experiences using alternative medicine and naturopathy to treat my chronic illness over a number of years.
Covid Superstars #2 – Dr Gabriel Scally
If Professor Devi Sridhar is the beauty of the Covid superstars, Dr Gabriel Scally is most definitely one of the beasts.
My Journey out of Lockdown (part 1)
In late December 2019 I travelled to Mexico from my adopted home in India to visit my ex-research student who had since become a professor. The idea was to catch up over the holiday season and then discuss collaborating on some research with a focus on indigenous mental health. By March 2020, those plans had to be abandoned as COVID held the world hostage and Mexico entered lockdown.
The common cold and common censorship
A few weeks ago Toby Young had a column in the Daily Telegraph that came under heavy artillery from the powers that be. Young dared to raise the notion of cross-immunity; Natural immunity to SARS-CoV-2 through previous exposure to other coronaviruses such as the common cold.
Deaths within 28 days of covid vaccination
The unlicensed experimental mRNA medical devices masquerading as vaccines have been rolled out by governments around the world over the last couple months. These devices are not vaccines in the usual sense of the word. A traditional vaccine injects you with dead or inactive virus, to which your body develops an immune response to.